Birding Checklist for Mgahinga National Park : Mgahinga national park is famous for housing the mountain gorillas in Uganda which will lead you to the habituated mountain gorillas which are the most notable attractions that can be seen in the wild as you hike along the Virunga mountains in Uganda. While participating in the different activities in Mgahinga national park, you will have the opportunity to watch a number of attractions in the wild like the different bird species from the migratory species, the Albertine endemic species and many other attractions. However, once you make your way to park you will get the chance to watch about 100 bird species that will make birding in Uganda quite memorable

For travellers interested in birding here are some of the bird species that you will get to watch in Uganda for a memorable safari experience;

1 Handsome Spurfowl Pternistis nobilis
2 Rameron Pigeon Columba arquatrix
3 Rwenzori Turaco Gallirex johnstoni
4 African Swift Apus barbatus
5 Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata
6 Gray Crowned-Crane Balearica regulorum
7 Shoebill Balaeniceps rex
8 #Egyptian Vulture# Neophron percnopterus
9 Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos
10 Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus
11 White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus
12 Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus
13 Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus
14 Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus
15 Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax
16 /Steppe Eagle/ Aquila nipalensis
17 Dark Chanting-Goshawk Melierax metabates
18 Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk Accipiter rufiventris
19 Mountain Buzzard Buteo oreophilus
20 Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater Merops oreobates
21 /European Bee-eater/ Merops apiaster
22 Western Tinkerbird Pogoniulus coryphaea
23 Wahlberg’s Honeyguide Prodotiscus regulus
24 Dwarf Honeyguide Indicator pumilio
25 Willcocks’s Honeyguide Indicator willcocksi
26 Elliot’s Woodpecker Dendropicos elliotii
27 Petit’s Cuckooshrike Campephaga petiti
28 Rwenzori Batis Batis diops
29 Papyrus Gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri
30 Lowland Sooty Boubou Laniarius leucorhynchus
31 Willard’s Sooty Boubou Laniarius willardi
32 Albertine Boubou Laniarius holomelas
33 Many-colored Bushshrike Telophorus multicolor
34 Doherty’s Bushshrike Telophorus dohertyi
35 Lagden’s Bushshrike Malaconotus lagdeni
36 White-tailed Blue Flycatcher Elminia albicauda
37 White-tailed Crested Flycatcher Elminia albonotata
38 Stripe-breasted Tit Melaniparus fasciiventer
39 White-browed Crombec Sylvietta leucophrys
40 Grauer’s Warbler Graueria vittata
41 Rwenzori Apalis Oreolais ruwenzorii
42 Masked Apalis Apalis binotata
43 Black-faced Apalis Apalis personata
44 Chestnut-throated Apalis Apalis porphyrolaema
45 Papyrus Yellow-Warbler Calamonastides gracilirostris
46 African Yellow-Warbler Iduna natalensis
47 Mountain Yellow-Warbler Iduna similis
48 Bamboo Warbler Locustella alfredi
49 Evergreen-forest Warbler Bradypterus lopezi
50 Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler Bradypterus cinnamomeus
51 Highland Rush Warbler Bradypterus centralis
52 Shelley’s Greenbul Arizelocichla masukuensis
53 Eastern Bearded-Greenbul Criniger chloronotus
54 Yellow-streaked Greenbul Phyllastrephus flavostriatus
55 Brown Woodland-Warbler Phylloscopus umbrovirens
56 Red-faced Woodland-Warbler Phylloscopus laetus
57 Rwenzori Hill Babbler Sylvia atriceps
58 Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus
59 Slender-billed Starling Onychognathus tenuirostris
60 Oberlaender’s Ground-Thrush Geokichla oberlaenderi
61 Abyssinian Ground-Thrush Geokichla piaggiae
62 Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiacus
63 White-bellied Robin-Chat Cossyphicula roberti
64 Archer’s Robin-Chat Cossypha archeri
65 Cape Robin-Chat Cossypha caffra
66 Red-throated Alethe Chamaetylas poliophrys
67 Blue-headed Sunbird Cyanomitra alinae
68 Purple-breasted Sunbird Nectarinia purpureiventris
69 Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa
70 Red-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia johnstoni
71 Golden-winged Sunbird Drepanorhynchus reichenowi
72 Stuhlmann’s Sunbird Cinnyris stuhlmanni
73 Northern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris reichenowi
74 Regal Sunbird Cinnyris regius
75 Superb Sunbird Cinnyris superbus
76 Strange Weaver Ploceus alienus
77 Dusky Crimsonwing Cryptospiza jacksoni
78 Abyssinian Crimsonwing Cryptospiza salvadorii
79 Red-faced Crimsonwing Cryptospiza reichenovii
80 Kandt’s Waxbill Estrilda kandti
81 Dusky Twinspot Euschistospiza cinereovinacea
82 Oriole Finch Linurgus olivaceus
83 Papyrus Canary Crithagra koliensis
84 Yellow-crowned Canary Serinus flavivertex
85 Gray-chested Babbler Kakamega poliothorax
Birding Checklist for Mgahinga National Park               
Papyrus Canary

Let us take you on a fun filled adventure in Mgahinga national park as you participate in birding in Mgahinga National Park.

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